Employment law

We are at your disposal to offer you our services and assist you in all your projects and disputes.

As an indication, please find below a non-exhaustive list of the main topics covered by the firm:

  • Representation and negotiation of employees' interests with the employer
  • Criminal involvement of the manager in workplace accidents and occupational diseases
  • Accompanying employers in social law and defense before the CPH
  • Litigation relating to the execution or modifications of an employment contract, absences
  • Counsel and representation before the Conseil des Prud'hommes in application or in defense
  • Defense of employees and securing employers during disciplinary proceedings
  • Calculation and negotiation of severance pay upon termination of employment contract
  • Actions for dismissal without real and serious cause, dismissal for misconduct, ...
  • Drafting of employment contracts (CDI, CDD ...), management of conventional breaks
  • Assistance on matters of maternity leave, parental leave
  • Advice on time and conditions of work, safety or health, harassment